Saturday, February 16, 2008

One of those AH-HA moments...

I started thinking the other day...and I asked myself this question- What does love look like in my life? What are the things I love?What are the things I don't necessary love? Its a strong word, and Im not sure I understand the meaning of it yet. I love my parents, family, and friends...and I love God, but is that love different? His love for me is unconditional, wholehearted, unquestionable, unlimited, unreserved, AMAZING! So after thinking about this for so long and pondering on the fact that God's love for me is more love than I could ever give anyone or anything- I began to fall in love...

Really-I know it sounds kind of silly...but it is true. I was talking to a friend and I just started explaining this "new-found" love. I mean I have been a believer for a couple years, but I have never really allowed myself to fall in love. I wanted to, but I wouldn't let myself come to a place of full trust, faith, love, and most of all know that there is not one person in this world that can love me, like me, or even know me like my Maker. AH-HA!

Ever since then I have been drawn to the word. Consumed by it--and the amazing thing, I had been praying for that for a long time-that I would be consumed by the word and want to spend all day there reading and learning if I could. It happened, and I cannot explain to you how excited I am-I dont even know if excited is the word...engulfed maybe.

So if it is not too much to ask-please pray for me and that as I begin to dance with my Maker I will keep learning new steps, and become faster at the dance, more immune to the steps, but give up on them. That I will keep pursuing this never-ending "dance party" if you will, that will lead me to greater depths and more understanding of this amazing love.

"Your love Oh LORD, reaches to the Heavens,
Your faithfulness, stretches to the skies,
your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
and your justice flows like the oceans tides...

I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow of your wings"

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